Minnesota Summit: Second Wave Is Here



# 3735



There was a pandemic summit yesterday in Minnesota, where local Health officials and the Director of CIDRAP, Dr. Michael Osterholm, discussed the pandemic’s return this fall and its likely impact.


The `second wave’ is already gathering steam, and is only expected to swell over the coming weeks.  


The H1N1 vaccine, which should start to become available in another 3 weeks, may prove too little, too late to do much to affect this fall wave, although it could help mitigate cases later this winter.


This report from the Star Tribune.



Swine flu is here and 'gaining steam'


Swine flu's second act has begun, state experts say. With cases expected to peak in the next two months, their advice is to get ready and wash your hands a lot.


By MAURA LERNER, Star Tribune

Last update: September 15, 2009 - 12:39 AM

The long-anticipated fall outbreak of swine flu has begun in Minnesota, with clusters of new cases cropping up at schools and universities, health officials said Monday.


Speaking at a flu pandemic summit that drew more than 600 people, State Epidemiologist Ruth Lynfield said, "We're now experiencing our second wave.''


At the same time, Michael Osterholm, a University of Minnesota expert, predicted that the number of cases will peak in the next six to eight weeks, sending absenteeism rates soaring from schools to businesses.


"The bottom line is, it's here," Osterholm told the audience of health, business and government officials gathered in Brooklyn Center. He noted that "none of us can tell you, 12 hours from now, what this virus is going to do." He said he won't be surprised if major sporting events are canceled in the next few months because teams have too many players fighting the flu.


"This train has left the station," he said. "It's moving and gaining steam."


Osterholm also warned that cases of the novel flu strain could peak before enough vaccine arrives, possibly in October.

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