DHS: New Guidance for Small Business



# 3734



I suspect one of the big reasons why more companies – particularly small businesses – haven’t put together a pandemic plan is that the task seemed too daunting.


Where do you even begin?


The Department of Homeland Security has come out with a very basic 10-page guidebook on preparing for the novel H1N1 pandemic flu.    This guidance is optimized for a moderate pandemic, such as is expected this winter, and not the more severe scenario that H5N1 might someday present.


You can either download the PDF or read the Text Version available on Flu.Gov.


The list of MORE RESOURCES at the end of the pamphlet is extensive, and points to more detailed planning advice, which most companies would be well advised to explore.



Planning for 2009 H1N1 Influenza: A Preparedness Guide for Small Business

Table of Contents

Printable Version (PDF – 3.74 MB)



Small business disaster planning is a subject we’ve covered repeatedly in these pages, and has long been neglected by many small companies. 


Whether it is this winter’s pandemic, or the next hurricane, flood, earthquake, or other crisis, you should be preparing as if your company’s life depended on it.


A couple of my earlier blogs that business owners might find of particular interest are:


Quick! Who's Your CPO?
OSHA On Protecting Employees In A Pandemic


And of course, next week CIDRAP Business Source will be holding an H1N1 summit called : Keeping the World Working During the H1N1 Pandemic.   I’ll be part of one of the breakout sessions.


I hope to see you there.

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