Most Common Ear Infections in Children

Acute otitis media is an infection of the middle ear (otitis = ear, medium = middle) that primarily affects infants and children. Eustachian tube is shorter in children than in adults facilitate the entry of bacteria and viruses in the middle ear. About 50 percent of infants have had a middle ear infection before their first birthday. Ear infections often develops after viral infections, such as colds or flu. Section behind the eardrum will swell and accumulate fluid (effusion). antibiotics for ear infection


Symptoms of otitis media in young infants consisting of fever, irritability, decreased appetite, insomnia, fluid leaking from the ears and often pulling or rubbing the ears. Vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea may also occur. Children and older adults may complain of pain in the ears and temporary hearing loss. These symptoms usually come on suddenly.


Call your doctor if your child has any of the symptoms above. The doctor will perform a physical exam and look at your child's eardrum. He usually uses a tool called otoskop to look into the child's ear. Although this test is not painful, mostly infants and children dislike or fear when his ears checked. You may need to assume, and hug your child when he is fussy when questioned. The presence of viscous fluid behind the eardrum marks bacterial infection.

In certain cases, the doctor will insert a needle through the eardrum to take a sample of pus from the middle ear to be examined in the laboratory. Procedure called timpanocentesis can help doctors determine the cause of the infection. The hole in the eardrum usually heals by itself within 24-48 hours.


In infants over 24 months, your doctor may choose to wait and let the child's immune system works to fight infection. He may only give medicines to reduce fever and pain in the ear.

If after more than 48 hours of your child's symptoms continue or even worsen, antibiotics may be prescribed. Antibiotics are usually given to infants younger than 24 months. Children older than 24 months can be treated with antibiotics or delay treatment. Antibiotics are not given to every child with an ear infection because studies show that many older children can cope with an ear infection without antibiotics. Antibiotics should be done wisely because unnecessary use can lead to resistant bacteria. That is, certain antibiotics are no longer effective or higher doses required in the subsequent treatment. In addition, ear infections can also be caused by a virus that can not be treated with antibiotics. This infection must be cured by the body's own immune system.

If your child has recurrent ear infections (called serous otitis media or chronic) that do not heal and make fluid accumulates so disturbing hearing and speaking abilities, doctors may recommend surgery called myringotomy to drain fluid from the middle ear and insert a ventilation tube. Since most children had infections in both ears, surgery is often performed on both. In the surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia by a health professional, a small tube called timpanostomi tube (T tube) is inserted into the eardrum to drain and equalize pressure in the middle ear. This helps to prevent infection and fluid accumulation in the future, and help normalize the hearing. These tubes are usually going out on his own in about 6 months. In the method of laser myringotomy with the opening of the eardrum done with a laser, not a tube.


    Tympanic membrane rupture. One possible complication is rupture of ear infection ear drum or tympanic membrane. Tympanic membrane can rupture when tapping fluid that reduce blood flow and cause tissue to weaken. Rupture of membranes was not hurt and many people feel even better because the pressure is released. Fortunately, the tympanic membrane is usually rebound quickly after a rupture within a few hours or days.
    Retention. The fluid collects behind the eardrum (effusion) may persist for weeks to months after the pain and the infection disappeared. Effusion causing temporary hearing loss, but usually go away without treatment. Effusion needs to be monitored from time to time, including an examination of the ear and hearing by a doctor every three to six months to disappear. If the effusion persists until a long time, your child may need treatment. Treatment decisions based on how much effusion affect hearing and cause problems speaking.

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