This disease was ranked the second illness most often affects children under five, after coughs and colds.
About 50% of children under five, at least one time attacked by inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media), in the span of the first year. Yes, even in the United States, according to dr. Barbara P. Homeier in his article "Middle Ear Infections" in the January 2005 issue of site, 3 of 4 children under five, which means 75%, had been suffering from inflammation of the middle ear before he was 3 years old. In fact, just maybe, get a toddler into school, he's still prone to ear disorders.
Why are frequently attacked five children? One contributing factor is that the connecting channel between the middle ear to the throat of the roof adjacent to the back of the nostrils (Eustachius) in children under five, which is still in its growth and development, not perfect. Namely, shorter, narrower and more horizontal than in adults. As a result, these channels can easily be blocked, such as an infection or allergy.
Well, any fluid or swelling of the mucous membranes in the Eustachian canal is clogged so it can continue to inflammation of the middle ear. What is meant by the inflammation of the middle ear is an inflammation of the Eustachian canal and mucous membrane of the middle ear space, the area behind the eardrum. The cause of the inflammation, among others due to an infection of the fluid that is clogging the middle ear.
Pay attention to symptoms. Inflammation of the middle ear experienced by toddlers, can be recognized by a number of signs or symptoms that vary widely, ranging from mild to severe. Some symptoms are common and easily recognizable are:
Earache. Due to the pressure of the fluid that accumulates in the middle ear to the eardrum. When the toddler is old enough, she would complain of pain in his ears. Meanwhile, if the child can not complain, he may be crying, tugging at her ear.
High fever, sometimes accompanied by diarrhea.
Appetite dropped or lost, because his ears hurt when you chew and swallow. Also, maybe a toddler so I can not sleep well due to impaired ear pain when lying down.
Thick discharge from the ear hole marking perforated eardrum caused by fluid pressure is so strong. This condition will stop the intense pressure by the fluid on the eardrum, so the pain will diminish or even disappear, the fever disappeared, and the child was not fussy anymore.
The liquid that collects in the middle ear will disturb 'journey' to the sound waves reach the eardrum. As a result, children will have a hearing loss. When this happens, symptoms typically include:
The child does not respond to sound softly.
In children who are a little big will the volume TV, radio, or other electronic devices for the hearing is less clear.
Toddlers become a habit of speaking in a loud voice.
In addition to a variety of symptoms, inflammation of the middle ear are generally also accompanied by fever, nausea, vomiting, and headache. However, if the inflammation is not accompanied by infection, may be impaired ear is almost without any symptoms. Alternatively, symptoms can include a feeling of where the ear seemed 'satisfied' something. However, if there is an infection, which usually come from upper respiratory tract infection, the symptoms that appear similar to the common cold, runny or stuffy nose that, and cough.
Get better soon, too! In most cases, inflammation of the middle ear was brief. There are only attacking for 2-3 days, then go away by itself. There also should be helped with medication from the doctor, and it takes between a week to 10 days to heal. However, fast-slow healing time, is also influenced by a number of factors, among others:
Type and severity of infection.
How often attacked toddler ear infections.
How long the infection lasts.
Factors that increase your risk of infection, such as immune toddler who happened to be declining due to other diseases.
How severe invasive infections disrupts the function of hearing children
Of research published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases September 1990 edition, found children who had a history of middle ear inflammation of infection repeatedly before the age of 3 years, was impaired speech and learning disorders are more severe than other children newly infected disorder after the age of 3 years.
So, go ahead, we are aware of the symptoms of inflammation of the middle ear infection, especially when the child has not reached the age of 3 years.
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