Dangers ear infections

Infections caused by viruses and bacteria can affect the quality of life of sufferers.
Ear infections usually are experienced by children aged 2-3 years. Ear infections, known in medical terms as otitis media or middle ear inflammation occurs repeatedly if it can interfere with the process of learning how to talk to children.

ear infections treatment. As a result, it can lead to deaf children which in turn could disrupt school activities, can not communicate, and eventually became members of the community who need help.

Usually, the cause is viral or bacterial. This infection can occur through respiratory tract inflammation, poor nutrition, and poverty. There are a few other things as well that allows the ear infection include cigarette smoke, do not drink milk, allergies and low endurance.

Ear infections are not the same as the deaf, but if left untreated can lead to deafness. If treated properly, the disease can be cured and only a small percentage become chronic or recurrent.

However, if untreated, can lead to late complications such dangerous brain inflammation, mouth oblique, disability and even death. Preventing disease early by going to the ENT doctor can reduce the harmful effects for the child's ear.

Besides ear infections, ear disorder or fourth cause of preventable hearing loss include:

1. Deaf since birth (congenital), usually caused by disease or during pregnancy. Children who are deaf from birth, after being 6 months have been detected to be given therapy to heal back in a normal state. If undetected for more than 6 months will be difficult if not be cured.

2. Deafness due to noise is usually caused by noise exposure often exceeds the capabilities of hearing. Usually, happened to industrial workers, due to modernization and advancement industry, lifestyle and frequent use 'earphone'.

3. Deaf parents (presbycusis), usually occurs as a natural process

4.Serumen (ear wax), too dirty and never cleaned the ear can also cause deafness

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