# 5489
While it seems hard to believe, the impasse over the sharing of H5N1 influenza samples out of Indonesia has been ongoing since late 2006.
Since avian influenza viruses evolve over time, it is essential that the world have access to fresh samples, particularly from a region where the virus is endemic and the CFR (case fatality ratio) of known cases is above 80%.
Many times between 2007 and 2007 there were signs that an arrangement might be brokered between the Indonesian Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization, but every time the deal fell through.
Among the many mentions of these negotiations in this blog, in 2008 I wrote Despite Progress Indonesia Still Unwilling to Share Virus Samples and in 2009, Geneva: No Deal On Virus Sharing.
Over the past two years, very little has been said publicly regarding this stalemate, but work has been going on quietly in the background.
While the impasse with Indonesia has been the focus of the discussion, other developing nations have a stake in the outcome of these negotiations as well.
Which brings us to a report by Lisa Schnirring of CIDRAP News, that outlines renewed efforts to strike a deal on virus sharing.
WHO group renews push for pact on virus-sharing, pandemic vaccine access
Lisa Schnirring
Staff Writer
Apr 12, 2011 (CIDRAP News) – Leaders from a World Health Organization (WHO) working group on virus sharing and vaccine issues related to pandemic preparedness today said they hope to reach an agreement by Friday (Apr 15) so that it could go to the World Health Assembly (WHA) for a vote in May.
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