Updated Bird Flu Reports From Indonesia




# 4968



For two weeks we’ve been following reports out of several areas of Indonesia describing multiple large poultry die offs, the hospitalization and isolation of a half dozen or so bird flu `suspects’, and the in home monitoring of another two dozen people with `flu-like symptoms’ in the region.


Thus, far none of the suspect cases have been laboratory confirmed to have H5N1, although test results are still awaited on a few.


According to a Jakarta Post report yesterday - (Bird Flu Virus Spreads To six South Sulawesi regencies) - four patients admitted to Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital in Makassar on Sept. 29  have all tested negative for the virus and have been discharged.


Overnight a new suspect case has been added, this time a five year-old girl in Balikpapan, the same region where a high school student has reportedly been in isolation for several days. 


This report from Ida at BFIC.


Balikpapan, East Kalimantan ::: A 5-year-old bird flu suspect

Posted by Ida on October 8, 2010

Balikpapan – A 5-year-old girl is being isolated in Karamunting room, Kunojoso Djatiwibowo hospital (RSKD), South Balikpapan, because of having high fever. Patient had been rushed to Klandasan public health center in South Balikpapan before was then referred RSKD. Spokesperson of Health Service in Balikpapan, Dyah Muryani, said number of chickens belong to patient’s neighbors had died.


Patient is reported in weak condition, with high fever and loss of appetite. Hospital has sent patient’s samples to Ministry of Health laboratory in Jakarta for further check. Rapid test has also been done, but there is no report about the result.

Source: Indonesia local newspaper, Kaltim Post.



Laidback Al, a senior moderator and newshound on FluTrackers who is very talented with maps and graphics, has produced a map of the region seeing these outbreaks.



Yellow indicates older outbreaks in poultry, while pink are the newly affected regencies of Barru and Bone.


Meanwhile, we’ve lots of fresh reports coming in on new outbreaks in poultry – particularly in Sulawesi.


This report – from Arkanoid Legent – appears in Liputan 6, and describes 33 villages that have been designated as part of a bird flu danger zone.


Indonesia : Dozens of Villages Defined Bird Flu Danger Zone

Translated report from Liputan 6 :

" Polewali Mandar: Hundreds of chickens in Polewali Mandar, West Sulawesi, infected with bird flu. As a result, about 33 villages in the subdistrict of Polewali Mandar designated as bird flu danger zone.


In addition, Animal Husbandry Department setemapat bird flu continues to campaign door to door and pembangian brochure.


These areas are designated as dangerous as it is considered contiguous zones with a number of chicken farms positive for H5N1 virus. In addition, many residents who raise chickens but do not meet safety standards and safety. Farmers let their chickens roam freely in the settlement residents."


Dutchy on FluTrackers has this report.


Dozens of Sudden Deaths in Towuti Chicken

Malili, Upeks-After thousands of chickens died suddenly discovered in a number of districts in East Luwu, now repeated similar incidents in the District Towuti. Is Tanra Sula, one of the local residents reported 32 poultry chickens suddenly died and his alleged attack due to avian influenza (bird flu).


Department of East Luwu farms who received citizen reports on 5 October last, and then conduct clinical trials (rapid test) together with the health department to ensure the cause of death of tens of poultry chickens in Towuti it. As a result, 32 birds found dead chicken was positive bird flu.


Attacks and the spread of bird flu in a number of districts in East Luwu it has reached the alarming stage, which began in District Mangkutana, where thousands of chickens owned by the residents and ranchers in the area was found dead of a sudden.

read more


And not to be outdone, the newshounds at the Flu Wiki have scads of translated articles on their current Indonesian thread - Indonesia - August 17, 2010 to .… 

A few examples courtesy of History Lover and bgw in MT include (you’ll find these, and newer reports near the bottom):


Residents Warned to Anticipate Bird Flu

October 7, 2010

BALIKPAPAN:  There are cases of outbreak of bird flu that began in Kelurahan Ilir Balikpapan Klandasan South, because already there are chickens that died suddenly in RT 09 Klandasan Ilir. This certainly should make people aware and anticipate from the beginning so as not to raise chickens in the settlement.


Thursday, October 07 2010, 07:38:00


Anticipation Of The Impact To Event Important [Balikpapan]

Prevention: The anticipatory step continued to be carried out the Municipal Government in order to stifle the spreading suspect the bird flu virus. Did not want to take the risk, the chicken that was expected infected immediately was burnt, like that was carried out several last days in South Balikpapan. (Gusti Ambri/kp)


Balikpapan Receives 6,000 Tamiflu Medication

October 6, 2010

Aberdeen:  Balikpapan City Health Office (DKK) Balikpapan 6000 tamiflu medication, personal protective equipment, disinfecting supplies for East Kalimantan province in anticipation of human bird flu cases in Balikpapan.  Balikpapan Secretary DKK Dr ballerina said they will be sharing as much as 150 drug tamiflu from Port Health Office to all health centers in Aberdeen. The drug is given free of charge to patients who have suspected bird flu.


These reports just cover the tip of the media iceberg, and those who would like to read more are encouraged to visit FluTrackers and the Flu Wiki forums, and of course venerable flu blogs like Crof’s , Arkanoid Legent, and Bird Flu Information corner.


Of course, I’ll keep an eye on the situation and update it here as well. Something that would be nearly impossible for me to do without the great work being done all around the world by the volunteer newshounds.


It’s really incredible when you think about it, and a tribute to their tenacity, talent, and professionalism.


Dozens of volunteers spend hours each day combing through obscure – often foreign language – news reports looking for the latest information on emerging infectious diseases.  


They then translate, and often offer analysis of, these stories and share them across the flu forums and blogs.


If you’d like to learn more about how they do this incredible work, or better yet, think you’d like to join in, you might wish to read Newshounds: They Cover The Pandemic Front.

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