# 4934
While it is a bit lacking in scientific specificity, an article appearing this morning in Outlook India does give a pretty good overview of the panoply of medical problems cascading through India right now.
It is called Deep In The Miasma, and appeared on NewsNow overnight, albeit with a bad link. With a little digging, I was able to find the right url.
This article dangles tantalizing statements, such as:
. . . almost all diseases are showing changes in aetiology, symptoms and even geography . . .
. . . a new variant of bird flu is among the many causes for concern . . .
But offers precious little follow through, I suspect primarily because this article appears in the `popular press’ and is filed under Society-Health-Epidemics.
In other words, it is geared for a more general audience.
Disappointingly, the statement about a `new variant’ of bird flu is tossed out, but never clarified, leaving us in the dark as far as to what exactly the authors are referring to.
But those quibbles aside, this relatively short article does paint a disturbing, yet fascinating picture of the increasing disease burden being reported across the Indian sub-continent.
- Dengue
- Malaria
- Chikungunya
- Japanese Encephalitis
- Typhoid
- Cholera
- Gastroenteritis
- Swine Flu
- `Mystery’ Fevers
- Antibiotic Resistance
The article also includes a pretty good graphical look at the problem, as well.
A monsoon that refuses to go away breeds a panoply of diseases
Amba Batra Bakshi, Snigdha Hasan, Madhavi Tata
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