The Strain In Spain Is Mainly On The Wane



# 4017



Admittedly, I’ve held this blog title in reserve for months, waiting for the right time to use it.  


But the news today is that the number of new infections last week in Spain was down by about 1/3rd over the previous week, and there are hopes that the epidemic peak was reached in late November.


While the reduction in cases in Spain, and in the US, Canada, and some other countries is good news, that doesn’t preclude the possibility of another wave later in the winter or spring.


This report from Xinhua News.


A/H1N1 infection rate declines in Spain  2009-12-04 09:50:25

MADRID, Dec. 3 (Xinhua) -- A/H1N1 flu activity is easing in Spain, and cases of the flu declined last week, the Spanish Ministry of Health said on Thursday.


The week of Nov. 22-28 saw the first fall in several weeks in the cases of A/H1N1 flu in the country, according to figures published by the health ministry on Thursday.


The level of infection now stands at 243.71 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, with 105.304 new cases registered during the week.


A week earlier the level of infection stood at 371.68 cases per100, 000 people, with 158.942 new cases reported.


The data back up the Spanish government's prediction that cases of the flu would peak at the end of November.


The virus has now claimed a total of 169 lives in Spain, although the mortality rate remains low at 0.15 deaths per 1,000 cases.


The Spanish government confirmed on Thursday that so far over 1million people had received vaccinations against the virus.

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