A Couple Of Sunday Referrals



# 3975



While it pains me to admit it, there are other flu bloggers (besides myself, not instead of) you really should be reading. Truth is, we are blessed with having a number of very knowledgeable and talented bloggers, most of whom you’ll find on my sidebar.  


Which is why I try to point out the work they do from time to time. 


Besides, it gives me an easy post to write . . .


Since it’s Sunday, DemFromCt, who is a physician and one of the founding editors of the Flu Wiki, has his weekly roundup of flu news on The Daily Kos.     Always a good read.



H1N1: More Illness, A Bit More Vaccine, Bruised Intentions

by DemFromCT

Sun Nov 08, 2009 at 10:00:04 AM PST



And then there’s Peter Christian Hall, whose online pandemic novel  American Fever I’ve mention on several occasions (here and here).


In addition to being a novelist, Peter is also a blogger, who has been covering the Flu beat for The Huffington Post  (see Blog Entries by Peter Christian Hall).


His latest is an eclectic survey of Mercury in American life:


Thimerosol in Flu Vaccines? America's Mercury Habit is Nothing New

Posted November 6, 2009 | 02:01 PM (EST)


Both essays are well worth your time, and of course the stalwarts like Crofsblog and Effect Measure should be part of your daily tour of Flublogia as well.

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