IOM Recommends N95s For HCWs


# 3696



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N-95 Respirator               Surgical Facemask



Over the past 60 days the debate has raged over whether to sanction surgical facemasks as `good enough’ protection for healthcare workers caring for patients with the H1N1 virus.   Currently, the CDC recommendation is for those in close contact with novel flu patients to wear the more protective N95 respirator.


The problem is, we have a very limited supply of these more-expensive N95 respirators, and could use up our stockpile in a matter of weeks should we see a severe pandemic.   


Still, the science that suggests that surgical masks are protective is scant, at best.  And so the IOM (Institute of Medicine) has just released their recommendation to retain the current CDC guidelines for HCWs (Health Care Workers).




Health workers urged to use special masks for flu


WASHINGTON — Health workers caring for patients who have or may have swine flu should wear a special type of mask called an N95 respirator, not looser-fitting surgical masks, the Institute of Medicine advised Thursday.


Health authorities have stressed that the general public doesn't need to wander around wearing masks against flu, which doesn't spread only through the air. But doctors, nurses and other health workers will come into close, possibly prolonged, contact with the very sick. That puts them at higher risk of catching swine flu than, say, an office worker or restaurant waiter.


Still, "it would be a mistake for anyone to rely on respirators alone as some sort of magic shield," said Kenneth Shine of the University of Texas Health System, Austin, who chaired the Institute of Medicine committee.

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The complete 68 page IOM report can be downloaded by clicking the graphic below.  It is free, although you’ll be asked for your email address.



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