Boom! or Bust . . . They’ve Got You Covered



# 4932



Admittedly, this isn’t the sort of post I normally make, but with this title rattling around in my head all morning, who could blame me for making an exception.


Yes . . .  it’s time for the unveiling of the long awaited emergency N95 bra . . .  the EBbra!



CNET and TIME magazine have both taken notice, so I’m in good company.


Emergency Bra: Unsnap, separate cups, inhale...

by Elizabeth Armstrong MooreEmergency Bra 



Introducing the 'Emergency' Bra-Turned-Face Mask

By: Megan Friedman   



Reportedly there is a male version of this in the works (presumably not the infamous Seinfeld `BRO’), but frankly I’m a little worried over that prospect.


If this turns out to be an N95 jock strap, I just don’t think I’m interested.

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