Referral: When The Nurse Gets The Flu



# 3899


A first hand account today in the New York Times from a nurse about what it was like having the H1N1 `swine flu’. 

Well worth reading.



October 28, 2009, 12:06 pm

When the Nurse Gets the Flu

By Theresa Brown, R.N.

I’m old enough that I remember the swine flu scare of 1976. I was 11 and my older brother, who was 13, loved telling this joke:


“How did the pig get in the air? Swine flu!”


He must have told that joke a million times, and probably every single time I laughed. But two weeks ago when my family and I were hit with painful coughs, chills and fever, nobody was laughing.


I had worked an eight-hour shift that Saturday and had been feeling odd, not quite right, ever since dinner. I was scheduled to work a 12-hour shift the next day and told myself I only had a cold. But soon I was shaking so badly from chills that I felt unsteady on my feet. After taking my temperature and seeing I had a fever, I swallowed my guilt and called in sick.



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