Branswell: Feds Between Rock & Hard Place On Vaccines



# 3705


Helen Branswell of the Canadian Press tonight brings us some deep background on what can only be described as a `no-win situation’ facing public health regulators when it comes to the pandemic vaccine.   


This is something we’ve discussed before: The decision to use (or not use) adjuvants in the vaccine.   A few recent blogs on this subject include:


Canada To Offer Unadjuvanted Vaccine To Pregnant Women
CAMJ Editorial: The H1N1 Vaccine Race
Running Into A Public Relations Buzz Saw
More On The Adjuvant Controversy
Branswell On The Adjuvant Controversy


Ms. Branswell demonstrates, once again, why she is so highly regarded as a science reporter as she outlines the complexities of this issue.


Follow the link to read it in its entirety.



Feds between a rock and a hard place juggling speed, safety of pandemic vaccine

Published Sunday September 6th, 2009


Helen Branswell, THE CANADIAN PRESS--

TORONTO - In the race to get pandemic vaccine into Canadian arms, public health and vaccine regulatory authorities in this country find themselves the reluctant filling in a rock-and-a-hard-place sandwich, knowledgeable observers say.


Doctors who've seen how desperately sick some swine flu patients become are pressing authorities to further fast-track vaccine approval. But a large portion of the public appears reluctant to take the vaccine, a situation that could worsen if fast-tracking deepens suspicions about the product's safety.


Individuals and organizations concerned about global equity are urging countries with vaccine contracts to stretch supplies by using boosting compounds called adjuvants so developing countries can also get some serum. But the decision to use an adjuvant is being blamed - unfairly, federal officials say - for the fact Canada may not start vaccinating until a month after the U.S. and Britain.

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