WHO Update: Egyptian Case Number 45



# 1743



A small update on the condition of Egypt's latest bird flu victim, a 25-year-old woman now reported to be in critical condition and on a ventilator.



A hat tip to Niman on Flutrackers for posting this link (Not a permalink-On the front page of the WHO's Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean web site)









New confirmed human influenza case in Egypt Case number 45

Reported on 2 March 2008 


The Ministry of Health and Population has declared a new AI H5N1 human case, a female 25 years old from Sennoris district, Fayum governorate. The symptoms started on 24 February 2008 and hospitalized in Fayoum


Fever Hospital on the 27th of the same month. The case was referred to Giza chest hospital on 28 February 2008.  The field investigation is still ongoing to indicate the source of infection. The general condition of the patient is critical and she is on ventilator.  


Of the 45 confirmed cases 19 have been fatal.

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