An Egyptian Family Cluster?


# 1744



Well, maybe.


According to an Arab media source, Almasry-Ayoum, the sister of the 25-year-old who just tested positive for avian influenza has been admitted to the hospital, suspected of having the same disease.


Note: This comes from a somewhat convoluted machine translation of an Arabic news story.  These translations are imprecise and sometimes difficult to interpret. While local media reports often give us an early head's up on what is going on in these countries, I always view them a bit skeptically. 


Sometimes these stories pan out, sometimes they don't. As always, Caveat Lector.


So far, there has been no official word on this case, and no test results have been announced. It may take a day or two before we have anything solid on this story.


Until then, this is just a suspect case.


A big hat tip to Theresa42 on  Flutrackers  for this translation. 




Emergencies in Fayoum after injury Susan avian influenza and detention on suspicion sister


Wrote Mohammed Nafi Farghali, Said Ahmed Fouad,
Fayoum governorate declared a state of emergency following the announcement that the injury Susan Salah Zaki - housewife from the village of gunshot status Brenda - avian influenza before yesterday, and moved to the directorates of health, veterinary medicine and ration and security to the village, and cleared their homes.


Said Dr Hussein Sophie Abutaleb Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health in Fayyoum governorate had been yesterday detention Ghada Saleh ailing sister Hospital issued Urban, on suspicion of being infected with the disease.


[Alt. trans.: And doctor Hussein Sophie Aboutalb the Ministry of Health deputy in Al Fayyum said that "yesterday" Ghada Saleh's detention the patient sister in the hospital of the urban chest, for the suspicion of her injury by the disease.]


Said Dr Mohammed STEVENSON, Director of Veterinary Medicine government, the Commission confirmed contact infected Susan bird, which was found on the Goose and chickens in her home, as shown by the presence of 15 chickens in the house of her father, was executed all birds, though not the emergence of symptoms it.


Said Dr Hussein Sophie Abutaleb, Susan infected water lung disease since 3 months, and when the condition worsened transferred to a hospital salt Fayoum, a disease that water on the lung, and the poor condition transferred to a hospital Sadr Balamranih Giza, which is sampled, and sent to laboratories, and results were positive for avian influenza.


In Menya, Eng Secretary Hanafi, Vice President of the Town and City of enemy execution of 203 birds including 104 slowed to 40 Goose and 59 chickens in the villages Mvuz good and Sheikh Massoud, the morbidity, according to the results of samples sent to labs central and the 40 samples.




(I have no idea what the `infected water lung disease since 3 months' reference means in the story above. Other reports stated the patient had been ill for 3 days - so perhaps it is a misprint.)

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