In parts of the world there, exactly in the plains of the African continent, TB disease is one cause of death in people with HIV / AIDS. Even in America, about 63% of people with HIV are also infected with TB bacteria. Why is that? How TB and its association with HIV / AIDS? Consider the following explanation.
Patients with HIV / AIDS have the stamina is very low. This is because the HIV virus in the body's immune
system attacks the body. Consequently, as weak as any disease of the body, the immune system can not even ward. Moreover, the TB bacteria attack is very strong. Patients with the disease of HIV / AIDS is definitely going up. That way, he'll be active TB disease is severe. And no wonder, the disease eventually leads them to death.
Testing the presence or absence of disease in patients with HIV / AIDS conducted by the tuberculin test and a blood test as early as possible. As explained earlier, this is because they are among the high risk of tuberculosis infection-causing bacteria. Not just to find peyakit active TB, latent TB must always be monitored. So check TB disease are performed annually.

As a form of continuation of MDR TB programs, prevention programs in the United States there is a fairly extreme TB. His name is directly observed therapy (DOT). That is a prevention / treatment of health workers who treat patients with TB case to keep it healthy. Pengonsumsian medicine is done by direct supervision when they eat them.
Therefore, patients with TB disease and its association with HIV / AIDS are very close, people with HIV / AIDS receive supervision. This is of course so that patients are not at risk of HIV AIDS die from complications of tuberculosis.
That is the explanation of things. Both the TB and the relationship with HIV / AIDS and others. Hopefully useful.
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