Knowing Various Causes of Cough

Causes of cough experienced by a person is mixed. There are several cough that you should recognize before you start treatment. Each type of cough has a different treatment and treatment for the root cause must be eradicated even the location is different. Please understand that if you are suffering from cough up to 2 months does not go away, then you should immediately see a doctor because you may be exposed to TB disease. However, early prevention is needed. Let us go into another cause of cough.

  • * Whooping Cough

Causes of whooping cough, also called pertussis name can affect anyone irrespective of age. Whooping cough is caused by the bacteria Bordetella pertussis and classified in the chronic cough. In addition, whooping cough also include infectious disease and often occurs in children due to child's immune system is not as strong as adults. Mode of transmission of whooping cough in children may occur through sneezing, coughing, and vomiting sufferers. The process of transmission of whooping cough because the germs will fly and exploited by others adjacent to it. There are several symptoms experienced by those affected by whooping cough should be recognized by the parents. For example, are patients experiencing cough continuously and as there was no time to breathe, people sometimes vomit when coughing, experiencing dizziness, hard to sleep, the body feels weak and without strength, and no appetite. There are several triggers whooping cough experienced by children and adults, the presence of asthma, sinus infections, known as Allergic rhinitis, viral infection is a cough that occurs over several weeks, a bacterial infection that attacks the lower respiratory tract, choked by object stranger while eating or playing, the irritation caused by several factors triggers such as cigarette smoke and car fumes.

  • * Causes of Cough Tuberculosis and Asthma

TB disease attacks the lungs and classified in infectious diseases. In addition, TBC also included a deadly disease if not treated regularly. People with TB disease will experience both day and night cough. There is a risk that experienced by patients with tuberculosis, the body will be thin as appetite was reduced. To that end, early examination to the doctor and undergo regular maintenance and treatment can help people get out of this disease. While asthma itself is due to the narrowing of the airways that is triggered by several factors, such as is the dust, smoke and cold air. Common symptoms suffered by people with asthma are coughing or shortness of breath which has improved drastically in the evening.

  • * Cough Bronchitis and the Common Cold

Bronchitis is caused by a viral infection of the small airways in the lungs. If a person has the disease then the patient will bronchitis have a cough that is accompanied by a sound like whistling when breathing. Therefore, do not let this bronchitis cough too long because if they do not treat it as soon as possible then worry about the state of the patient will be more severe and treatment will require more time. For the common cold, the disease is caused by a virus which then causes colds. The virus that causes the common cold is a virus Rhinoviruses. These symptoms occur due to keep the body from attacks and the cold, then the immune system will increase the secretion of mucus and this can create a runny nose. The presence of excess fluid and mucus, then this can cause coughing.

  • * Smoking And Sinusitas

The habit of smoking is one of the causes of the most common cough illnesses. Cough caused by smoking showed a foreign body in the respiratory tract making breathing organ to be disturbed. Foreign body in question in the case of cigarettes is a harmful chemical that is produced by nicotine and cigarette smoke also contains cigarette itself. Completion easy to avoid cough caused by smoking is to stop smoking because smoking may be a cause of chronic cough that take a long time to heal. Sinusitas can also be one of the causes of chronic cough disease where there is inflammation or infection of one or more sinus cavities. Bacterial infections, allergies and nasal congestion is sinusitis triggers that can cause a person to cough.
By studying several things that can cause a person exposed to bouts of coughing, the patient is expected to seek treatment and proper care for the best results. Consultation with a physician is highly recommended. But you can choose to treat it using natural or herbal treatments that have less risk, inexpensive and safe. So, avoid the things that you do not cause coughing attacks often interrupted by annoying.

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