Stroke is a disease that many feared. Stroke attack can paralyze the nerves that some members of the human body. Many ways to avoid stroke. Most people are affected by stroke are the ones who have elderly. There are some foods can prevent one stroke is a watermelon.
Watermelon is a fruit that much demand, you would not like watermelon? me too, the fruit is very suitable to be consumed in the hot nan daytime because the water content in watermelon fresh taste to alleviate hunger.
However, other than it tastes good watermelon apparently know a lot of benefits, one of the benefits of watermelon is to prevent stroke, like what?
A stroke can be prevented by eating some fruits that contain elements of high lycopene or a type of antioxidant.
It is based on research conducted by scientists from Finland, that the impact on the people who eat fruit with high lycopene is going to keep him away from a stroke.
The volunteers who had high amounts of lycopene in their blood, or have a habit of eating fruits and vegetables with high lycopene, have a greater resistance to the risk of stroke.
Other research findings published in the BBC also showed that volunteers who were followed for 12 years showed differences in the risk of stroke.
Those with low levels of lycopene in their blood had more chance of stroke than those with higher levels of lycopene.
Characteristics of fruit that has a high content of lycopene was bright red. For example, watermelon, tomatoes, cherries, guava and pepper.
The conclusion of these studies is to consume lots of fruits with lycopene can reduce the risk of stroke by 50%.
That article about the benefits of watermelon to prevent stroke, may increase our knowledge about fruits secrets we do not know.
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