Sunlight is source of energy from sun. We can see anything because the sunlight that recochet from sun to eyes. Eyes need a sunliht to fresh the sight. This is some of the benefit from sunlight to our eyes.
When out of the room on a sweltering afternoon, the eye is one part of the body that we often keep it away from the sun sorotnya, but .. DID YOU KNOW the function and benefits of sunlight for eye health? If you do not know, let's read the following article to the bitter end!
Especially in children, being outdoors will reinforce the impact of health as well as physical effects but also to improve their psychological health and reduce the risk of nearsightedness as a teenager and grew up.
As mentioned in the previous paragraph, that the risk of nearsightedness can be minimized with the help of sunlight in the outdoors, this is the result of the akhi other research published by the Daily Mail recently.
The study authors Dr. Cathy Williams, of Bristol University, said the study is the first direct evidence of the benefits of natural light to the eyes.
The researchers say there is a strong relationship between the time spent outside the vision with good vision, regardless of family history, how much time they spend or physical activity of children.
The team looked at the eye testing of 7,000 children from the South-West of England were examined at ages 7, 10, 11, 12 and 15. They also monitor children's physical activity over a week.
Those who regularly spend time outside the home at the age of eight or nine showed less likely to suffer from myopia even when they are 15 years of age.
"We're still not sure why a good outdoor children's eyes, but given the other health benefits that we know that we will encourage children to spend a lot of time outside, although of course the parents still have to follow the advice on the threat of UV exposure (ultraviolet), "he said.

Between a quarter and half of young people in the West and 80 percent of young people in some parts of Southeast Asia affected by the short-sightedness, or myopia.
More than a third of adults with the condition have to wear glasses to see far away objects clearly or a figure that has doubled grew up, for 30 years.
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