by: Helmut Wandmaker

This NH movement was founded by physicians who saw their treatment with drugs is no real cure. Since the patient would unfortunately have a prescription (no different today than at the beginning of the last century), some doctors prescribed placebos, so colored pills, which consisted only of milk sugar, but contain no toxins.
Ä doctors who want to give natural healing a chance again, should understand that!
But unfortunately, the health insurance will pay for the doctors and "medicine" nothing. Since it lacks the "scientific" evidence. It is a wonder that health insurance starting hesitant to give grants for fasting! Dear bypass operations for 20,000 EUR finance than spend a few euros for Fast lessons or lactose tablets! Prefer to give money to the coffers of "scientific" evidence-. What are they places, the so-called "science" in the interest of their provision. "Science is the last level of error," describes the Dr. Ludwig.
Our gigantic rising sickness industry is no longer financially viable in the coming years! Statistically supposedly increases the age, but at what expense of funds will artificially extend the life today. Here send most children their parents in the nursing or care home for faster gaga and dying! The elderly should never be removed from the family unit!
Faster go gaga and dying! The elderly should never be removed from the family unit! Such a sad life is not worth living! It follows that most people as they age to keep an agile, lithe body. Instead, we see all grief-stricken half-crippled with frequent displacements of the bone. The replacement of the hip is now already a Bagatelloperation, although we consume in western countries, most supposedly "chalky" dairy products! Why still so weak bones?
The U.S. statistics but says that such bypass - Operated not live longer than those without surgery. Now get the Operated strict diet instructions (half truth). But why can not the sufferers go on to advance and avoid the surgery, which always constitutes a serious interference,? Again and again the same excuse: "As long as the disease is not there, I do not need to live healthy. It's still early enough. "Unfortunately always late! Heart patients should proceed directly to 100% raw food. You would immediately feel a relief. Your clogged coronary arteries were clean all by itself again!
It would also create new bypass veins! Why cancerous degenerations meet the increasingly younger age? Quite simply, the long post-war life of luxury, which can now afford almost everyone makes us sick! The so-called whole foods with plenty of whole grains makes it even sicker!
Cancer is the daughter of the cooker!
Only one percent died today of natural senility. The western countries have made of our food is a dead food. Therefore, early senescence and the "tome" on disease descriptions! Our natural bio - chemistry is destroyed!
The right fruit consumption
Many tell me that they could do with a single apple. Immediately her stomach would protest! Who talks like that must not accuse the fruit, but his ill-fed by over-eating and over-acidification digestive organs!
Dr. Ragnar Berg has already been before the first world war in the sanatorium "White Stag" Researchers at Dresden on behalf of the German doctors, how many base-forming nutrients you need to consume to maintain only the acid-base equilibrium! The results of his research are:
"You need at least 70% alkaline-forming substances take to you to stay in the required balance!"
And what most people eat today? To 80, 90% of them take acid-forming! There used to be the Sunday roast, roast of the day today! At least you eat large amounts of meat and fat cheese, if something really should be no meat meal!
100% can not buy health.
They can only be achieved through health
conscious life! By anything else!
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