From the perspective of natural health science illness is not a disaster, but a path to healing. Patients must learn to correct their, lives error "
The company represented by the Association for Natural Health Teaching Life Skills has their own opinion about health and disease:
The basic message is assumed that each disease is a healthy reaction of the body, in its attempt to health and inner balance of a human again herzustellen.Gesundheit is normal and disease is the body's attempt to stay sane.
In simplified terms, this means that the body of congestion, Toxämien or toxicosis, caused by toxins in the body enriched tries to escape. To obtain the organ functions, toxins are deposited, and, if the self-cleaning is still working, conducted via inflammation outwardly parked in edema or encapsulated as tumor formation.
In the psychological realm, the symptoms sometimes manifests as consciousness loss or displacement, which serves as a last resort to protect against problems that threaten to overwhelm you.
, With toxemia start all diseases'' is one of the books of the publisher 'Fit for life'.
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