The way the treatment of rheumatism

Along with lifestyle changes are instant and fast growing, disease that came did not know someone's age, just as with the disease, if used more frequently in rheumatic disease suffered by older people, but now the pain of arthritis can be by anyone, from small children to the elderly, although the manner of treatment and cure of rheumatic together.

Definition of rheumatic diseases.
In medical science called with rheumatoid arthitis (RA) is a disease that causes joint trade is longstanding and chronic, the main cause is an autoimmune disorder.
People affected by arthritis usually have a low immune system so the body can not resist the virus or bacteria causing arthritis which enters the body.

Some of the things that causes the immune system down and trigger the appearance of rheumatic diseases:
  • Ever had lupus
  • Have a history of type 1 diabetes
Why would a person may have rheumatoid arthritis?
That is because the failure of the immune system (immune system) to detect the arrival of the virus or bacteria that cause arthritis, which attacks the synovium is a thin protective membrane of the joint.

Effects of someone who suffered a rheumatic:
  • Joint swelling.
  • Inflamed body
  • Severe pain in certain body parts affected by rheumatism.

The body parts most often affected by rheumatoid arthritis:
Almost all the joints of the body such as joints of your lower leg, fingers and toes, knees, spine, hips, neck and other joints.
The deteriorating state of patients with rheumatoid arthritis will affect internal organs like the heart, blood vessels, lungs and skin. and rheumatism when it attacks all the joints will feel the same pain. not like osteoporosis that only affects one part of the body.

Characteristics and symptoms of early arthritis.
You should be wary if your body is experiencing things like this:
  • Feeling the pain and joint pain during cold weather or after eating certain foods.
  • Feel the pain that moves from one joint to joint the other.
  • Swelling of several joints affected by rheumatoid arthritis indication.
  • Arthritic pain usually attacks the joints of the body is paired (left-right) as pliers ankle and foot.
  • Experienced some swelling in the joints at the same
  • Experiencing stiff joints for less than 1 hour and usually occurs in the morning.

The main cause of rheumatic diseases.
The counter-attack will be undertaken by the immune system that causes the depletion of the patients own cartilage around the joints is slowly thinning and forming new bone, this will make the pain when the bone joints in motion.

Rheumatic disease indication is a sign of another disease or manifestation of disease in the depression, severe stress. when a person experiences a mental disorder then the muscles of the body will experience a high level of tension and if it lasts longer then a strained muscle fibers will form a network of muscle fibers, this would lead to impaired blood circulation, detoxify the body can not dispose and settle in body tissues, oxygen is reduced and more and more toxins accumulate, that trigger these rheumatic diseases.

How the treatment of rheumatism
Patients with rheumatoid arthritis is more severe, requiring immediate treatment, this is the need to eliminate or at least reduce severe pain, causes inflammation and deformity which prevents deformation of bone joints and ensure the function of the joints remained normal and good to work with.
Do the treatment of rheumatism with natural ingredients to avoid negative effects when doing therapy for the treatment with natural ingredients I will discuss in my article next time, because I will end this article discusses about the restrictions that should be avoided by patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

Taboo food and drink for rheumatic patients.
 Avoid eating vegetables below:
  • Spinach leaves, cassava leaves, leaf-cashew asparagus, beans, soybeans.
  • Avoid eating the fruit:
  • Coconuts and water
  • Avocado

Avoid beverages containing alcohol:
  • Palm wine
  • Wine
  • Whiskey
  • Beer
For coffee, cocoa and tea are safe for people with arthritis because it does not contain purines triggers arthritis.
I hope I wrote this article could provide a positive inspiration for those of you who may be currently suffering from rheumatic disease, get well.

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