The cause and how to treat ulcers

How To Treat ulcers. Ever have Boils? Definitely incredible pain, especially if the abscess is located in the most sensitive .. Incredible joy. But actually what causes boils and how to treat ulcers Way?

Ulcer is an inflammation of the hair follicle area and surrounding skin. The most frequent cause of ulcers is a bacterium staphylococcus aureus experienced, because it boils can also be interpreted as a local infection in the skin. Initially only the infected hair follicles, but because of the friction, irritation, and less clean body treatment, the infection can spread to surrounding tissue, and there ulcers.

Causes ulcers
The cause could also be due initially ingrown hair, wound, or due to the entry of foreign objects into the skin. Boils usually begins with red bumps and soft in the skin, which over time will become harder. Then in the middle of the lump will form white peaks that will break or be removed by a doctor (through a minor surgical procedure). The liquid that comes out is called pus, containing white blood cells (which sent the body to fight the bacteria that infects the skin), bacteria and proteins.

Ulcers can also be caused by blocked oil glands, which then infected. Ulcers This is called 'acne cyst', usually occurs in young skin.

Another with ulcers called "hidradenitis suppurativa caused by local inflammation of the sweat glands. Usually boils that occur more than one, located in the armpit or groin.

And the last is boils called 'pilonidal cyst', usually occurs in the folds of the buttocks. Initially just a hair follicle infection, then added with irritation of the pressure from sitting too long, usually when traveling long, is formed and boil it. Ulcers are common place occurrence in many areas of the body friction, such as in the armpit and buttocks.

How to Treat Ulcers
First aid to do when they are seen to happen ulcers, is immediately compress with hot water (warm), which can increase blood circulation to the area. Treatment is with antibiotic cream or ointment (must be prescribed by a doctor). But if not better, for the boils that had edged / no white peaks, the doctor will consider to remove the pus. As for the solid Boils, sore eyes and do not be massaged because there will be no pus that can be issued.

If the ulcer much, or there is a fever in the body, it must be coupled with drug taking antibiotics. And when ulcers occur repeatedly, it must find the underlying factors, namely whether there is diabetes, severe kidney disease, severe disease, immune deficiencies on the person or people who have elderly.

Thus overview of the causes ulcers and how to treat ulcers, if you have any other experience on the treatment of ulcers <you can share in the comment box

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