symptoms and types of skin cancer

Disease in one of the most feared and deadly is the cancer, many types of cancer has been found that skin cancer, brain, prostate, uterus and much more. But for today we will discuss mainly about the types of skin cancer we will share knowledge about the symptoms or characteristics of this disease. do not miss also we will discuss about the cause.
Research by health experts, skin cancer is ranked seventh out of 10 killer diseases in the world. one of the causes of this type of cancer is a result of exposure to ultra violet (UV), so for those of you who like to wear revealing clothes have to be careful and cautious with this disease because you are at high risk of exposure to UV rays, especially in the face.
Other causes of skin cancer than UV rays, tanning beds are the second cause of the problem of skin cancer.
The types of skin cancer
  • Melanoma skin cancer, the disease is most dangerous, although rare cases, melanoma appears at the bottom of the epidermis
  • Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), most cases occur with this type of cancer, the leading cause of SCC is exposure to UV rays directly, usually to attack the open areas of skin such as neck, face, scalp, arms legs and arms.
  • Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC), this type of cancer most casualties due to attacks the outer skin layers, cause the same cancer type SCC.

People who are at high risk of skin cancer.
every person has a cancer risk is especially for those of you who were white, but because of exposure to UV light, genetic and environmental factors that bad also increased the risk of skin cancer.

  1. Other causes of skin cancer causes are:
  2. Been affected by the disease lupus and leprosy.
  3. Burns.
  4. Acute ulcers.
  5. Organ transplants.
  6. Exposed to radiation exposure.

The characteristics of skin cancer.In general, always pay attention to your skin and consult with a doctor find blackheads on your skin surface, as well as to diagnose melanoma.
The following characteristics of skin cancer based on changes in color and shape blackheads :
  • The form of blackheads are not commensurate between the right and left.
  • Scars rough edges of blackheads and uneven texture.
  • Blackheads are not solid colors and uneven.
  • Rounded blackheads increasingly larger.
  • Size, color and form blackheads are constantly changing shape.

You must be alert and quick to do therapy if the skin is itchy, the skin is not a speedy recovery and continued bleeding, a brownish color on the feet, hands and under fingernails.
I hope after you read this article you will be more concerned with the health of yourself to life
may be useful.

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