Practical ways to treat cavities

Because the pain is excruciating, until there is a saying "better hurt than a toothache", whether true or not, the pain of cavities is to make the sufferer can not even sleep because of it being a very important thing in the know about how to cope with and treat sore tooth decay rapidly, and practical effectiveness.

Maintaining oral health a priority to address the problem in terms of pain of cavities, but for those of you who are already your teeth cavities, tooth decay treatment of a number of ways this could be an easy solution for you, and the following explanation:

Use the orange juice
Dental pain, prevention of tooth decay and bleeding gums can placate with adequate vitamin C intake, clinical trials have proven and limes contain lots of vitamin C.

By using ice cubes.
The use of ice cubes: Use an ice cube as a means of compressing the swollen gums as well as a pain reliever.

Relieve toothache pain with clove oil
Clove oil in the trust can relieve toothache, also how easy the dribble a few drops on cotton and input on the sore tooth hole, do it at night before bed.

Use of substances such as iodine salt.
Salt is very useful as an anti-germ, how to use the salt is dissolved in water and use as a mouthwash.

Actually, the main cause of cavities is sick because of germs, so once again a factor of oral hygiene is very important in business and how to relieve the pain of cavities.

2 How effective the treatment of cavities.
  1.  Do a patch on the hole area
  2. Or tooth extraction
Okay friends, I hope you recover quickly toothache and wait patiently in your comment ....

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