High cholesterol-lowering foods

to keep my promise when I posted an article on "how to lower high cholesterol" that would be me connect with lowering high cholesterol foods, happy reading.

The first way to lower cholesterol is to set the correct diet, reduce the amount of calories from fat, less than 35% of the total number who entered, the following guidelines are some foods that can lower cholesterol levels in the blood:

Soybeans are rich in natural fibers and can be though as a food ingredient, so as not to give depth bored you can create different types of soy-based foods.

Olive oil
Typical of middle eastern origin oil contains a lot of monounsaturated fatty acids that are beneficial to regulate cholesterol levels at a normal level.

Better if you eat a raw carrot, because the fiber content launching digestive function and inhibit the growth of bad cholesterol. according to the study, eating carrots will be able to lower cholesterol levels as much as 12%, okay also for the try.

The content of soluble fiber in beans that is also very good for your digestive system.

A nutritionist, Colleen piere, RD, says that wheat is also useful as an effective cholesterol-lowering as wheat also contains a lot of natural fibers.

From some of the drop in cholesterol in the food turned out to be almost all these foods contain fiber, so the conclusion of fiber is very important in order to reduce levels of cholesterol in the blood. I have fulfilled the promise, as I mentioned in post "how to lower cholesterol" I am waiting for your comments .... I'll see you in my next post. August 16, 2012.

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