Hair loss is a cause of depression to suicide

Hair is the crown of the head are very valuable to their owners, but do you know what will happen when your hair falls out and a bald head? if you saw the title of your article you must be able to answer that could happen depression or even suicide, why can? curious? ok, we go ....
Baldness is a nightmare for all the men who really appreciate the style of hair as a fashion and lifestyle, but baldness can also occur due to the influence of age, diet or because of stress and for the men did not hesitate a lot of money to address the problem of hair loss but you must be careful caution as these may be causing your depression to commit suicide, why? Advanced track to finish reading this article.

A study says that the use of drugs or medication containing propecia hair loss indicates an increase in symptoms of depression are increasing rapidly and a strong desire to commit suicide.
Experts in the field of health states that propecia or finasteride what if used continuously for long periods will cause impotence or sexual dysfunction problems. more than 20% of men who use erectile dysfunction or impotence after using the drug for 6 years
This study is based on the discovery of about 61 former drug users experienced hair loss finasteride sexual disorder or impotence.
more specifically, the results of these studies are:
  • 11% had mild depression.
  • 28% of depression is
  • 36% suffer from major depression
  • 44% have suicidal tendencies.
In another study, the obtained results are quite staggering:
Of the 30 people who experience hair loss but not the use of finasteride as a sample, the data obtained as follows:
  • 10% have symptoms of depression
  • 3% have a tendency to commit suicide.
  • In this research, all men do not have impotence problems and all of stature both physically and psychologically healthy.
Data above data is the result of my search on the internet and from some research will be undertaken by health experts, although from the drug manufacturer claims that the drug is safe. all back to you using, this article is incomplete and imperfect, will be more complete and perfect if you add a comment to this article.
Thank you.

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