You know, the sense of depression in adolescents
According to some literature that I read, the sense of depression is a medical condition that is not healthy for a teenage psychologically and physically, but also the children and the elderly.
That is quite worrying is over 75% of adolescents with depression do not in correct treatment therapy, but if the problems of depression, especially in adolescents is not done fast handling, it will be fatal as:
- Not the spirit of learning or are lazy.
- Susceptible to disruption as a form of escape drug
- The greater the risk-free sex.
- Susceptible to physical illness.
- Experiment to end the problem by committing suicide.
Depressive symptoms or trait most common and easily visible physical and behavioral is suddenly feeling sad or angry for no reason that makes sense.
The depressed physically felt a headache and stomach complaints.
Some may be doing things out of habit like sleep, eat etc.
Patients become very sensitive to his surroundings that do not correspond to what is wanted.
Other additional symptoms commonly seen are:
- Losing weight quickly.
- Difficulty concentrating.
- Involved drug abuse
- Apathy and lack confidence.
- Irritable etc..
In diagnosing depression refers to the characteristics and symptoms with a duration of time when symptoms appear, then you should take in accordance with the result or effect that caused.
This article continued to be waiting for further updates of this article, in the next article I will discuss why potentially large depression in teenagers commit suicide.
thank you
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