SciAm: Excerpts From Nathan Wolfe’s `Viral Storm’



# 5891


Nathan Wolfe is a field virologist . . . a virus hunter . . . who hopes his work, and those of his colleagues, will reveal the identity of the next deadly virus to jump species from animals to humans.


Dr. Wolfe founded and directs the  Global Viral Forecasting Initiative (GVFI), a collaboration of more than 100 scientists worldwide who work to serve as a pandemic early warning system.


I’ve called Wolfe the `Indiana Jones of Virology’ because he spends about half of each year tramping around the jungles of Africa looking for next doomsday virus (see Nathan Wolfe And The Doomsday Strain).


In 2008 the New York Times ran a major story (see Deep In The Rain Forest, Stalking the Next Pandemic) on Dr. Wolfe’s work, and you can learn more from his inspiring 2009 TED TALK  Video Link.




Today Scientific American has excerpts from Dr. Wolfe’s new book, The Viral Storm: The Dawn of a New Pandemic Age, published on October 11th.  Follow the link to read:


How an Interconnected Planet Is Fueling the Brewing Viral Storm

In his new book, award-winning biologist and author Nathan Wolfe​ examines the origins and spread of viruses around the globe

For more on the book, and an audio interview with Dr. Wolfe, visit:


The Viral Storm

The Dawn of a New Pandemic Age


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