# 4793
A hat tip and a thank you to the reader who sent me information on the Red Cross summit on Emergency uses of social media to be held later this week (Aug 12th, 2010).
For some background on it, John Solomon wrote a terrific blog yesterday on it called (truncated) New Red Cross Study Finds Web Users Would Turn To Social Media In Emergencies.
In order to help promote greater awareness of this event, the details of the summit are below, followed by ways you can follow it online.
Emergency Social Data Summit
Emergency Social Data Summit
Social media has changed how people communicate, including their calls for help. Now, people Tweet, update Facebook statuses, and text about natural disasters. Emergency and disaster response organizations are working to develop a process to address this and harness the communication power of new media.
The American Red Cross is hosting the Emergency Social Data Summit to bring together government agencies, emergency management professionals, disaster response organizations, tech companies and concerned citizens to address how to reply to these digital cries for help more effectively.
You can read the full agenda here.
Thursday, August 12 from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm ET
Since personal attendance is by invitation only, the event will be broadcast on the internet and details relayed via social media outlets.
The Hashtag to follow on Twitter is #crisisdata.
Other ways to watch, or follow this summit listed on the Red Cross summit site include:
- The Emergency Social Data blog,
- The event will be ustreamed live via the NextGenWeb site /li>
- Register on Eventbrite for ustream details.
- The archived U-Stream will be available online, too, and on the Emergency Social Data blog.
- In person attendees will update their observations and impressions via the Whrrl Emergency Social Data Society .
- Add or comment on the Summit’s aggregated information via the Emergency Social Data Wiki
For other Red Cross social media/internet tools you might wish to check out yesterday’s blog on Red Cross Updates Safe & Well Tool.
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