# 3691
September is National Preparedness month, and today, the American Red Cross kicks off their DO MORE THAN CROSS YOUR FINGERS campaign, with spokesperson Jamie Lee Curtis.
Preparedness, at the personal and community level, has always been a strong point in this blog. I took my first American Red Cross first aid training in the spring of 1972, and subsequently became an EMT, then a paramedic . . . and yes, a Red Cross CPR instructor along the way.
As a Floridian who has ridden through more than a few hurricanes, and a live-aboard boater (36 ft sailboat) for more than a decade in my younger years, I’m also a big believer in always being prepared.
The advice from the Red Cross to GET A KIT, MAKE A PLAN, and BE INFORMED is sage counsel.
Visit the DO MORE THAN CROSS YOUR FINGERS website, and begin today to prepare for you next emergency. It doesn’t have to be an earthquake, hurricane, or other natural disaster.
Smaller emergencies happen all the time. Household accidents, power outages, fires . . . being prepared may not prevent these things from befalling you or your loved ones, but it can help make their impact less.
Jamie Lee Curtis shows us how to MAKE A KIT in this short Red Cross video.
You’ll find scores of other Red Cross videos on the RED CROSS YOUTUBE CHANNEL. You can also follow the Red Cross on Twitter by subscribing to @RedCross.
Right now the Red Cross is helping displaced people from the wildfires in California. Overnight they opened 6 shelters, and have taken in 170 people.
Tonight, somewhere in this country or around the world, no doubt they will be extending their hand out to help more people. Perhaps to you, or to one of your neighbors.
The Red Cross is always looking for volunteers.
And if you can provide some financial support, so much the better.
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