UMN’s Osterholm And Kahn On Allegations Against WHO



# 4639



CIDRAP’s Director Michael Osterholm and Director of the University of Minnesota’s Center for Bioethics, Jeffrey Kahn respond to a story printed earlier this week by by Susan Perry of  regarding recent allegations made against the World Health Organization on the handling of the pandemic. 


A hat tip to Shiloh on FluTrackers for posting this link.   The entire article is well worth reading.



U of M's Osterholm and Kahn respond to criticisms of WHO's handling of H1N1 pandemic

By Susan Perry | Published Thu, Jun 10 2010 9:04 am

Talk about opening up a hornets’ nest.


As I wrote earlier this week, two new reports — one [PDF] from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and the other in the form of an investigative article in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) — have taken direct aim at the handling of the H1N1 pandemic by the World Health Organization’s (WHO).


The most troubling charges in the reports are that WHO let researchers with financial ties to pharmaceutical companies that sell antiviral drugs and influenza vaccines influence its pandemic-related decisions and recommendations.

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Over the past week, since these latest charges were levied, a number of well respected flu scientists have come forward to defend the actions of the WHO.   


You’ll find some of those statements in:


Experts Weigh In On Allegations Against The WHO
CIDRAP Dissects The WHO Allegations


Last January Revere at Effect Measure had a scathing assessment of the leader of the Council of Europe’s Inquisition, Wolfgang Wodarg in Fire in the hole: Wolfgang Wodarg and WHO.


You’ll find my own comments on the charges levied by the COE in WHO To Review Their Pandemic Response.

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