Indonesia Bird Flu Reports


# 4647



Despite the fact that we don’t hear about it every day, Indonesia continues to have a serious H5N1 bird flu problem. It is endemic in their poultry population, and from time to time, infects humans as well.


More than two years ago the Indonesian government decided that real-time reporting of bird flu cases was detrimental to their economy and their international image, and since that time we only get sporadic `official’ updates (see Indonesia To Stop Announcing Bird Flu Deaths)

Local newspapers often carry stories of sick and dying poultry, and occasionally suspected human cases, but confirmation from the government is often slow in coming.


Confidence in the official numbers issued by the Indonesian government, among many observers, is understandably low


Today, Ida at the Bird Flu Information Corner – a joint venture between between Kobe University in Japan and the Institute of Tropical Disease, Airlangga University, Indonesia – has details on three bird flu related stories from the Indonesian press.


The first is of a suspected human fatality in Central Java from the virus.


Wonogiri, Central Java ::: A farmer possibly dies of bird flu

Posted by Ida on June 15, 2010

Wonogiri – A resident of Kabupaten Wonogiri suspected to have died of bird flu H5N1. Victim, named Supar, is a 55-year-old, resides in Dusun Pakelan RT4/RW2 Desa Jeporo, Kecamatan Jatipurno, Kabupaten Wonogiri.


Previously, two children from kecamatan Eramoko and Kecamatan Manyaran of Wonogiri were reported to have died of bird flu.


“By observing clinical signs, cause of death indicates bird flu infection. But, we’re still waiting for blood test result from Jakarta laboratory,” stated Head of Health Service Kabupaten Wonogiri, dr AUG Jarot Budiharso, MKes.

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Source: Indonesia local newspaper, Suara Merdeka.


Ida also has two other reports regarding H5N1 in Indonesian poultry.    Follow the links to read them, as well.



Pasaman, West Sumatera ::: H5N1 attacks chickens

Posted by Ida on June 15, 2010

Pasaman Barat – Dozens of chickens in  Jorong Lubuk Landur Nagari Aua Kuning, Kecamatan Pasaman Barat (Pasbar) found to have suddenly died in a few days period.


Further check to dead chickens by Agriculture, Crops, Horticulture and Livestocks Service of Pasabar showed H5N1 infection.


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Pontianak, West Kalimantan ::: H5N1 attacks birds

Posted by Ida on June 15, 2010

West Kalimantan has received a bird flu free certificate from Ministry of Agriculture at the beginning of 2010. However, current report mentioned chickens died of H5N1 in West Kalimantan. Authorities argued the virus came from outside indeed. - adm-

Pontianak – Dozens of bird suddenly died within six days and tested positive bird flu H5N1 by rapid test. Birds depopulation has been done following to the finding. Head of Livestock and Animal Health Service, Abdul Mustafa Manaf, after bird depopulation in Kelurahan Dalam Bugis, Kecamtan Pontianak Utara, Kota Pontianak, Monday (14/6) said the result will be confirmed through laboratory test.


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Despite ongoing outbreaks in their poultry, Indonesia hasn’t filed an OIE report since September of 2006.


You can find a background report on Indonesia’s ongoing bird flu problem at IRIN: Indonesian Bird Flu Risk Remains High.

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