WHO Begins External Review






Today an panel of 29 experts from around the world, convened by the World Health Organization, will begin a lengthy review of what went right . . . and what went wrong, with the world’s response to the H1N1 pandemic. 


This pandemic post-mortem comes in the wake of much criticism of the WHO, along with big pharmaceutical companies, by a number of entities, particularly coming out of Europe.


Helen Branswell, ace medical reporter for the Canadian Press, brings us the details.  Follow the link to read her coverage in its entirety.


Panel of external experts starts review of WHO, international response to H1N1

Provided by: Canadian Press
Written by: Helen Branswell, Medical Reporter, THE CANADIAN PRESS
Apr. 11, 2010

TORONTO - A panel of external experts begins the task Monday of critiquing how the World Health Organization and the international community responded to the H1N1 pandemic.


The WHO, which was drawing members of the review committee from a list of experts nominated by countries, has insisted on keeping the roster secret until the work begins.


Among the 29 committee members is Dr. Arlene King, Ontario's chief medical officer of health. King, who took over the Ontario job last spring, was for years Canada's point person for pandemic planning at the Public Health Agency of Canada.


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