Indonesia: 4 Year-Old Bird Flu Suspect



# 4510



From indefatigable Dutchy, posting on FluTrackers this morning, we get this translated account of a child treated in the isolation ward of a west Sumatran hospital for suspected H5N1.




The Indonesian Ministry of Health (MOH) in recent years has become increasingly reticent to discuss that country’s bird flu problem, often going many months between issuing official updates.  


When updates are issued, they often contain very little information beyond new totals of `lab confirmed’ cases and deaths.


We are therefore forced to rely on newspaper accounts like this one to give us some sense of the level of H5N1 activity occurring in Indonesia.


Until confirmed by the MOH, these remain merely suspect cases.   When additional information becomes available it will likely be posted on this FluTrackers Thread.


This report translated from Media Indonesia.



Suspect Bird Flu Patient Treated in Padang Hospital

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

PADANG - MI: General Hospital Center (Dr) M Djamil Padang care of a four-year-old child Lubuk cone, Agam regency, West Sumatra, which is suspected of having bird flu (avian influenza / AI).

"The patient named Salsa Elya Suharya, 4, was referred to Dr M Djamil Padang at around 14:40 pm Tuesday, and is now hospitalized in isolation room A1," said Director of Medical and Nursing department Dr M Djamil Padang. Ira Yanti, Tuesday (20 / 4).


He explained, the patient suspect bird flu still has high bodyheat and breathing difficulties that continue to be monitored.


Statement from parents of patients (Eli), the child has fever since three days ago and brought to the PHC. After taking medicine, the heat down, but a day later his body heat back high, so was taken to a local hospital. However, the regional hospital in Lubuk cone refer the boy to Dr M Djamil Padang.


Ira mentioned, history of fever, the child may also be associated with neighbors of the dead chickens near his home. After examination of blood samples with a rapid test by the local veterinarian, the chicken was stated positive was attacked ciru bird flu (H5N1).


He said the patient's blood sample has been sent to the Agency for Health Research and Development (Balitbangkes) The Ministry of Health and the results can be known a week longer.


"Throughout the last four months of Dr M Djamil treating two patients suspect bird flu," he agreed the Director of Human Resources and Education Aguswan M Djamil dr.


Ira explained further, since the bird flu case found in the territory of Sumatra until now at least Dr M Djamil Padang is treating about 80 patients.


Of that amount, he added, carrying four people tested positive for bird flu, and one of them dead while the other three recovered.

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