# 4485
In an earlier blog today (see Watching Vietnam) I presented a translation of a Vietnamese news story indicating a second positive H5N1 case in Bac Kan Province, along with a number of hospitalized `suspect’ cases.
Treyfish, posting on FluTrackers, has uncovered another Vietnamese media report that seems to indicate a third possible lab confirmed case.
None of this has been officially announced (to my knowledge) by the Vietnamese Ministry of Health, so I’m understandably cautious about embracing these reports.
Accept them for what they are; translated media reports of unknown veracity and significance.
If this turns out to be a genuine geographic cluster, no doubt we’ll hear more about it over the coming days.
As I’ll be away most of the afternoon, I will refer my readers to the FluTrackers thread on these reports.
What follows is a machine translation.
Updated on 09-04-2010 14:18
Hot Food Co. re: three people test positive
A (H5N1) Patients positive for influenza A (H5N1) residing in rural, communal As can treat Medical Center in Cho Moi district.
NDDT-Immediately after the patient Chu Van Hoa, 22, residing in rural Na Cao commune such as grass, Cho Moi district (Bac Can) positive for influenza A (H5N1), Bac Can province has implemented a series of measures control measures, the disease spread and suppression services.
As of the morning 9-4, Medical Center of Cho Moi district has received nine more, bringing the total to 21 who have manifested as fever, cough, shortness of breath.
After the test, as of this moment Cho Moi district has had three cases positive for influenza A (H5N1), who left a cough, fever and difficulty breathing are treated with the regimen of influenza A (H5N1) Medical Center in Cho Moi district.
Deputy Director Medical Center of Cho Moi Liu Xuan Hoa said: "Even after Chu Van Hoa patients admitted to hospital, district health centers were examined, timely treatment for cases of cough, fever, difficulty breathing, the presence of influenza A (H5N1).
Of the 21 cases the presence of HPAI was taking Taminflu there were 14 cases of stable health, the rest are cases of continued treatment at the district health center. Unless the patient's Nguyen Thi Thanh Thu (27 months) tested positive for influenza A (H5N1), the remaining cases had fever, cough, diarrhea, health is going well. "
These days, teams of preventive medicine (Medical Center of Cho Moi) has concentrated spray disinfection in the hamlet of Na Tao. Up to Date 9-4, preventive medicine team has conducted the 3rd spraying disinfectant in the translation.
Cho Moi district has been granted 700 doses of Tamiflu, equipment protection, medical supplies have been fully prepared.
The checkpoints on roads into the commune like her.
The district has set up three checkpoints on roads into the communal As it is located in the spillway, The Quat Pass, Pass Buddha (the path from the commune of Quang Chu Like to Try); preparation was 50 thousand doses of vaccines , vaccinating the entire poultry and aquatic birds of a communal outbreak of bird As it is, and in the neighboring commune of Binh Van, Chu Quang, Yen Dinh, Thanh Binh and the town of New Market. "
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