NYT’s OP-ED: America Takes On Swine Flu


# 3806



Crof at Crofsblog calls this the `must-read of the day’, and I quite agree.   You’ll find some very familiar names among the contributors to this editorial.



October 5, 2009, 6:34 pm

America Takes On Swine Flu

By The Editors

swine flu

Nati Harnik/Associated Press Five doses of swine flu vaccine, part of the first shipment of vaccine sent to Methodist Hospital in Omaha, Neb., Oct. 5, 2009.


The roll-out of the swine flu vaccination program, one of the largest such drives in U.S. history, started Monday. The federal government has ordered 250 million doses of vaccine, which will be distributed by state health officials this fall.


Yet surveys have found that a large portion of the public is uncertain about getting the vaccine, either because of concerns about potential side effects or because they sense the health warnings about the H1N1 virus are overblown. At the same time, many doctors worry that they are ill-prepared to handle the nationwide drive to immunize everyone.


We asked some doctors and public health experts, will such an ambitious immunization program work? What worries you most?

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