# 3840
Tonight CIDRAP has a report by News Editor Robert Roos on recent calls to license the emergency use of Peramivir, an injectable antiviral created by BioCryst, along with a half dozen other news briefs.
FDA faces decision about use of peramivir for H1N1
Robert Roos
News Editor
Oct 15, 2009 (CIDRAP News) – In response to questions from citizens at a meeting yesterday, a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) official said the agency would make a decision "fairly soon" about permitting emergency use of the experimental antiviral drug peramivir to help patients severely ill with pandemic H1N1 influenza.
The FDA has been reviewing a possible emergency use authorization (EUA) for peramivir, which, like the licensed drugs oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and zanamivir (Relenza), is a neuraminidase inhibitor. Peramivir can be given intravenously (IV) or intramuscularly (IM), whereas oseltamivir is taken orally and zanamivir is inhaled as a powder.
During a public teleconference of the National Biodefense Science Board (NBSB) yesterday, Aubrey Miller of the FDA Office of Counterterrorism was asked to comment on the status of the FDA's review of an EUA for peramivir for H1N1 patients. The NBSB is an advisory board to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
"There should be information or decisions being made fairly soon. That amongst other medical countermeasures are currently being evaluated by the agency," Miller said. "I don't have a specific time frame at this time, because things are under review."
Other CIDRAP news stories tonight include:
Flu up slightly on US campusesHospital uses triage tents for flood of patients
Ill county workers who stay on job could be fired
Massachusetts prioritizes high-risk prisoners for vaccine
And CIDRAP’s Novel H1N1Influenza Overview page is updated almost continually with the latest information on the virus. It is a resource that I go to often, and I highly recommend it.
Novel H1N1 Influenza (Swine Flu)
Last updated October 9, 2009
Swine Influenza in Pigs
Swine-Origin Influenza in Humans: Historic Perspective
2009 Pandemic: Case Counts and Clinical Features
Pandemic Perspective
Laboratory Testing for the Novel H1N1 Virus in Humans
Community Mitigation Measures
Recommendations for Use of Influenza A H1N1 2009 Monovalent Vaccine
Vaccine Development
Use of Antiviral Agents
Infection Control Considerations
Food Safety Issues
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