AJPH Supplement Issue On Influenza



# 3837


The American Journal of Public Health (AJPH) has a freely accessible online supplement for October which focuses on Influenza Preparedness and Response.   


There are more than 30 pandemic and influenza specific articles in this supplement.   I’ve only just begun to look them over.



October 2009

Influenza Preparedness
and Response


A few of the many titles include:

A Primer on Strategies for Prevention and Control of Seasonal and Pandemic Influenza

Estimating Influenza-Associated Deaths in the United States

Protecting Vulnerable Populations From Pandemic Influenza in the United States: A Strategic Imperative

Pandemic Influenza and Pregnant Women: Summary of a Meeting of Experts

Pandemic Influenza Planning: Addressing the Needs of Children

As an added bonus, the AJPH has a special link to flu-centric articles published over the past 97 years, which may also be accessed.  Once again, I looking forward to spending some time in these archives.

"FREE" Flu Articles 1912-2009

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