A Note From A Mom


# 3778



With the high level of angst out there about the pandemic flu shot, I thought it would be helpful to print (with the author’s permission) an email that was sent to me by a Mom whose child is part of the clinical trials. 


I know this same note appeared on Crofsblog a couple of days ago, but on the oft chance that one of my readers missed it, I reprint it here.


For anyone with concerns about the swine flu vaccination, I'd like to report that earlier this month we enrolled our 2 1/2 year old daughter in the swine flu vaccine trial at our local children's research hospital.  She had her second dose last week and has had no side effects other than apparent slight soreness on her thigh for one day after the last injection. If you have any questions about her experiences during the trial, I'd be happy to answer them via the comments section.



We are so grateful she was able to participate and receive this early protection from what is not a "mild" flu (isn't it interesting that the handful of journalists who've suffered through this virus first hand are now changing their tune about its severity?).

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