Referral: Effect Measure On School Closures


# 3334



When I got up this morning, I planned to write some kind of piece on the difference between reasonable reactions to a crisis and panic. 


Turns out, the Reveres at Effect Measure got up earlier than I did, and have produced a terrific blog on parental decisions to keep their kids out of school.


The good news is, they did a better job of it than I probably would have.   The bad news is, now I have to think of something else to blog on.


While I’m thinking, follow the link to read Effect Measure in its entirety.




June 13, 2009

The school closing problem


The easiest way for public officials to scare the crap out of people is to tell them "not to panic." A variant on this is, "It's not time to panic," implying that there will be such a time or that there is ever such a time. The first to panic are usually public officials because they feel powerless at a time when people are expecting them to do something. So what they do is incite panic by telling people not to panic.

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