CIDRAP’s Swine Influenza Site


# 3109





CIDRAP (Center For Infectious Disease Research & Policy) at the University of Minnesota has some of the smartest infectious disease scientists, and reporters, around.


Led by Dr. Michael Osterholm, their avian flu resources are second to none, but they also have great information on other infectious diseases as well.


Whether you are a reporter, a blogger, a researcher, or are just interested in learning about, and keeping up with the Swine Flu virus – CIDRAP should be at the top of your list of daily visits.



Here is their Swine Influenza Overview, released today.


Swine Influenza

Last updated May 1, 2009

Swine Influenza in Pigs
Swine-Origin Influenza in Humans: Historic Perspective
Swine-Origin Influenza in Humans: 2009 Situation
Pandemic Potential of the Current S-OIV Strain
Laboratory Testing for S-OIV in Humans
Community Mitigation Measures
Vaccine Development
Use of Antiviral Agents
Infection Control Considerations
Food Safety Issues

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