CDC Unveils Social Media Tools For H1N1 Flu



# 3110



Badges or buttons are graphics that link back to a site, in this case the CDC’s H1N1 Flu site.   


Bloggers, webmasters, and people who have sites on social media portals like MySpace and Facebook often place these graphics on their site to spread important messages.


You’ll find I use them in my sidebar as well.  


The CDC has created a number of these buttons or badges to inform (and remind) people about the new Flu. Each button is available in several different sizes, increasing the ability for them to find placement on sites.


Dealing with a pandemic is a shared responsibility.   Helping to get the message out, and reinforcing the need for good flu hygiene, is one way we can all help fight this new virus.




Here is the CDC’s Description, along with a few samples.


Social Media Tools for Consumers and Partners

2009 H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) are working together to provide consumers and partners with social media tools to access information about the ongoing H1N1 flu (swine flu) outbreak. This page will be updated as new Buttons and Badges are implemented.


All Buttons


Help spread the word about H1N1 Flu (swine flu) and how to prevent it! Add a button to your Web site. Let your Web site visitors know how to stop the spread of H1N1 Flu (swine flu) and where to get more information about H1N1 Flu (swine flu). To add the button, copy the code next to the image and paste it into your Web page.




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