Catching Up With Hawaii’s Pandemic Broadcasts



# 3164






Almost a month ago I blogged (twice) on Hawaii’s 3 1-hour pandemic awareness broadcasts that were scheduled for prime time on  KHNL TV-8.  (See Hawaii: Taking The Pandemic Issue To The People and VIDEO: Surviving Hawaii’s Next Pandemic)

After reviewing the first show (which was excellent), I had to go  out of town for a week, and missed episode #2.    I’d planned to watch it online, and blog on it when I returned . . . but the Swine Flu outbreak derailed those plans.


With things settling down a little, I checked back and found that all 3 hours of these shows are archived, and available for viewing on the KHNL website.




The three 1 hour shows are divided up into 8 segments, which can be viewed by clicking on the image above.    Each segment runs between 10 and 20 minutes, so you can digest these 3 shows one piece at a time.


While originally planned around a  possible Bird flu outbreak, the creators of this show quickly adapted to the breaking news on Swine flu in the third hour.


The state of Hawaii' should be congratulated for their proactive response to the pandemic threat (not to mention their timing!).


Hopefully TV stations in other markets are paying attention and planning their own local broadcasts this summer.

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