Norway Confirms Low Path H7 In Østfold



# 2518



Samples taken from birds at a hobby farm in Østfold, Norway have tested positive for the H7 low path form of bird flu, according to Norwegian authorities.   The exact strain has not been revealed.


The farm was apparently chosen at random for testing, making the discovery a lucky break. 


Here is the official announcement (translated by Dutchy on Flutrackers) from the Norwegian Food Safety Authority.




Lowpathogen Avian influenza detected in Inner Østfold

Published: 05.12.2008 Last update: 05.12.2008

It is a proven case of the mild form of animal disease Avian influenza (lowpathogen Avian influenza) in a hobby bird flock in Inner Østfold. The Norwegian Food Safety Authority has ordered animal content restrictions, and the flock will be killed as a result discovery. It will also be created a risk zone for at least 1 km radius around the flock. This imposes restrictions on all Poutryfarms and transport of Poultry at risk.

To reduce the risk of spreading of the infection to commercial Fjørfehold Norwegian Food Safety Authority will also stop all unnecessary passenger on the farms that are covered by the risk. The Norwegian Food Safety Authority asks the public and the press to keep distance, so they do not take risks with the infection to other Fjørfehold.

Samples were taken 3 December shows that 1 out of 39 birds have a low level of lavpatogent Avian influenza virus SubType H7. The mild form of animal disease Avian influenza (lavpatogen Avian influenza) can progress without symptoms. This variant of Avian influenza is present in the Norwegian Wild Bird population, and have previously been proven repeatedly.

The flock where the disease is detected will be killed and destroyed, and that carried an infection sanering in animal content. The flock will be imposed restrictions to minimize the chance for both smittespredning while sanering work and for a while after this is done. In all other Fjørfehold at risk will be taken out samples for analysis.


The Norwegian Food Safety Authority also trace whether there has been contact between the infected flock and other poultryfarms, and it will be considered if it is necessary measures in such ensembles.


It will also be created a risk zone for at least 1 km radius around the crew. The risk will be introduced ban on moving Poultry and other things that can lead to infection. It will also be introduced a number of restrictions on transport in and out of the Poultry herds at risk.

The severe form of Avian influenza (highpathogen Avian influenza) is a dyresykdom that can lead to significant economic consequences for the Poultry industry if it get a foothold in this country.

Because influensavirus may change when they occur in animal populations, there is a certain danger that lavpatogene virus can be converted into høypatogene over time. Detection of specific lowpatogene variations of Avian influenza virus (SubType H5 and H7) will be handled as an A-illness, with relatively comprehensive measures.

Poutryfarms that will be affected by the measures in connection with the outbreak, will be informed about the measures that apply to each.

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