HHS: Upcoming December Webcast


# 2519



Although we've known the date of the next HHS webcast since late October, the subject has been a bit of a mystery. 


Today I see the HHS has updated their PlanFirst Webcast page, indicating the subject of this month's webcast will be stockpiling and using antivirals.



The next broadcast will be the 8th in the series.  Earlier broadcasts are archived on the HHS site and may be viewed at any time.   Questions may be submitted prior to the show, via email.



Mark the date, Wednesday, December 17th at 2 p.m. ET, on your calendar.    Here are the details from the HHS website:








PlanFirst Webcast

Join us on Wednesday, December 17th at 2 p.m. ET for the next PlanFirst Webcast. The focus of this Webcast will be a discussion of HHS guidance on antiviral drug use and stockpiling to be released later this month.


Antiviral drugs will be an important part of a multi-faceted response to an influenza pandemic. They will be used to contain an initial pandemic outbreak, slow the spread of infection, and treat those who have pandemic illness.


No registration is required. Email your questions for the Webcast panelists before and/or during the program to hhsstudio@hhs.gov. Please include your first name, state and town.



Previous PlanFirst Webcasts

Secretary Leavitt’s Discussion on Pandemic Planning and Preparedness

Secretary Leavitt’s Discussion on Pandemic Planning and Preparedness (October 29, 2008) – 72 minutes

Secretary Mike Leavitt

Dr. Bill Raub, Science Advisor to Secretary Leavitt

Dr. Michael Osterholm, University of Minnesota

Maggie Fox, Reuters

Individual Preparedness (September 25, 2008) - 57 minutes

Admiral Joxel Garcia, HHS

Dr. Richard Benjamin, American Red Cross

Harlan Dolgin, PandemicPrep.org

Tim Woerther, PandemicPrep.org

Home Health Care Agencies Planning (July 8, 2008) - 57 minutes

Alexis Silver, Home Care Association of New York State

Geraldine A. Coyle, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

James G. Hodge, Jr., Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Workplace Preparation (June 4 2008) - 46 minutes

Andrew Levinson, Department of Labor

New Federal guidance for State Pandemic Planning Assessments (April 30, 2008) - 65 minutes

Dr. Francisco Averhoff, CDC

Ms. Dana Carr, Department of Education

Ms. Barbara Bingham, Department of Labor

New Federal guidance for State Pandemic Planning Assessments (April 2, 2008) - 76 minutes

Dr. Dan Jernigan, CDC

Colonel Dan Bochicchio, National Guard

Ms. Joan Harris,  Department of Transportation

Captain Ann Knebel, HHS

New Federal guidance for State Pandemic Planning Assessments (March 13, 2008) 68 minutes

Dr. William F. Raub, HHS

Ms. Barbara Bingham, Department of Labor

Dr. Christa-Marie Singleton, CDC

Paul Strang, Department of Homeland Security 

Chris Logan, National Governors Association




On March 13, 2008, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services launched PlanFirst, a regular Webcast series on pandemic planning. The goal of the PlanFirst Webcasts is to help states, local communities, employers, faith-based and civic organizations, and families and individuals learn more about pandemic planning.


The pandemic influenza PlanFirst Webcasts are brought to you by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

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