Sulawesi: 5 Patients Go Home, 5 More Leave Isolation



# 2480



This machine translation (hat tip Dutchy at Flutrackers) indicates that at least 10 of the original 17 suspected bird flu patients hospitalized in Sulawesi have left isolation, and of those, 5 have been allowed to return home.


Two new patients entered isolation yesterday, Ikbal (6) and Karmila (3).  Blood samples have been forwarded to the laboratory in Jakarta for testing.


By my count, that should leave 9 remaining in isolation, although given the vagaries of machine translations, one can never be too certain.  


While no alternate diagnosis has been forthcoming, all test results from Jakarta have reportedly been negative for the H5N1 virus.





On Friday, 21-11-2008

5 went home, 5 left in Isolation Space

Today Mayor Discussed Bird Flu in RS Wahidin

MAKASSAR, BKM -- the RS Wahidin Sudirohusodo Side had finally accepted results of the research of the Penelitian Dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Laboratory (Litbangkes) Jakarta against the sample of blood and the bribe 17 patients suspect bird flu. All of them were stated by the virus negative H5N1.


Referred in the results, the hospital side finally permitted came home five patients, on Thursday (20/11). While five other people were also recommended to leave isolation space. Now two new patients, namely Ikbal (6) and Karmila (3) still was isolated in ferns space.


Both of them were taken the sample of blood and his bribe, furthermore was sent to Litbangkes to be checked. Especially for 17 patients who entered beforehand, has had results of his lab. All of them were stated by the negative.


Five people were permitted to come home, five other left isolation space, explained Dr Khalik Saleh, Koordinator the Control and the Prevention of Bird Flu of RSUP Dr Wahidin Sudirohusodo that was contacted yesterday afternoon.


In the meantime, Health Minister Dr Fadillah Supari that it was reported will visit to RS Wahidin saw directly the condition for the patient suspect bird flu, till the afternoon yesterday never came. Information in RS Wahidin mentioned, Menkes and the party failed came because of having the other task that was more important in Jakarta.


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