Indonesia Health Ministry: 17 Patients Negative For H5N1


# 2479




Reuters is confirming what was intimated yesterday by local news reports; that the Indonesian Health Ministry is reporting the 17 patients in isolation in Sulawesi have tested negative for the H5N1 virus.


All of the patients, according to hospital sources, were improving and in good condition. 





Indonesia says 17 in Sulawesi not infected with bird flu


20 Nov 2008 10:48:25 GMT

Source: Reuters

JAKARTA, Nov 20 (Reuters) - Bird flu has been ruled out as the cause of illness in 17 people from the same neighbourhood of Makasar in Sulawesi, Indonesia, a health ministry official said on Thursday.


The 17 were hospitalised this month after falling sick shortly after a rash of unexplained chicken deaths in the area.


"The result of the tests is negative," said Lily Sulistyowati, spokeswoman of the ministry, without giving details.


Suspected outbreaks raise concerns about rare human-to-human transmission or that the virus might have mutated into a form that can pass easily among people. 


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As is a habit with the Health Ministry, no alternative diagnosis was offered.


Adding to the confusion, yesterday it was disclosed that two additional patients were admitted to the local hospital with `bird-flu-like' symptoms.  Both were young children related to one of the existing patients in isolation.


This from Dutchy at Flutrackers.




Kominfo Newsroom
The [Number of] PATIENTS SUSPECT BIRD FLU IN MAKASSAR improved [with] two people

Makassar, 20/11/2008 (Kominfo-Newsroom) - The Number Of patients suspect bird flu that was treated in the Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital (RSWS), Makassar, improved two people, so as the whole of the patient's patient that was isolated in RSWS ferns space was recorded to as many as 19 people.


The additional patient who was stated suspect this each being named Ikbal (6 years) and Karmila (4 years), both of them were domiciled at the Village of Tangkejangang Street *** RW 2 RT 5 Sudiang Kecamatan Biringkanaya districts.


�Yesterday, there were two patients who entered. Both of them still domiciled in the region was the same as the patient beforehand ,� the spokesperson's words the Team of the Handling of RSWS Bird Flu, Dr Khalik, in Makassar, on Wednesday.


One from from two patients, his condition was still experiencing the high fever and consequently, the hospital side still carried out the intensive maintenance to this patient.


Whereas the condition for the other patient already in the good condition.

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