TV News Coverage Of Indonesian Story

# 2211

We now are getting video, carried by MetroTV news in Indonesia, on the suspected outbreak in North Sumatra.

From the video it is obvious that a good many reporters are on the ground and covering this story.

I've machine translated the story on the website, and you can view the video by following the link. The language spoken is Indonesian in this video report.

Two children shavings were expected by BIRD FLU

Picture not Available

On Wednesday, August 06 2008 17:10 WIB, Medan: the Case of the assumption of bird flu was again found in Medan, North Sumatra. Today, two people who were expected flattest bird flu entered the Public Hospital of Pusat Adam Malik Medan.

The two patients came from Air Batu, Kabupaten Asahan, North Sumatra. Both of them currently improve after by the medical team continued to be given tamiflu.

The reporter Metro TV Andrea Sentanti reported, the two patients were Muhammad Sani Muflih, pre-schoolers were eight months old and Fadillah Hanum was seven years old. They arrived in RSUP Adam Malik struck 02,00 at dawn earlier.

Currently, both of them were isolated in handling space suspect bird flu of RSUP Adam Malik. This in accordance with the reconciliation letter from the origin hospital of the two patients was treated, namely the Public Hospital of Daerah Abdul Manan, Kisaran.

The assumption both of them flattest bird flu strengthened because according to one of the parents of the patient, in their territory remained at many chicken livestock that died suddenly.

Moreover, in a last week, three local residents died. Originally they experienced breathless and hot high. According to Sublime parents, in their village was gotten by 10 people who experienced the same matter. And they are currently treated in RSUD Abdul Manan.

Some video captures from the news report showing two patients in isolation, neither of whom appear to be in distress.

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